It feels like we have been so busy, but when I think about it not much has been going on. With the occasional having another couple over for game or movie night, not much interesting to post about. On New Years we went to a friends house that we haven't really seen in about a year. They have 2 boys very close in age to our kids so that was a lot of fun to see them play together. Aria was a real trooper too. She stayed up until 10
ish and was perfectly happy with all the attention she was getting and all the commotion of the boys playing. The adults played
Wii (I secretly want one now), so we all had a great time. Stephen stayed up until 1 when we finally went home. And special thanks to Aria, who slept through me putting her jacket on, in and out of the
car seat, jacket off, and straight through until 7am. Mommy really needed that.
I have been working too since Robin was off all week. Well, I don't know if you can call googling the
Bahama islands that we are going to for fun stuff to do, scooter rentals, snorkeling sites, and secluded beaches really working. Oh... I was scheduled to work on Christmas day (no big deal since we were done with everything on Christmas Eve.) So I get there, and about 45 min later someone else comes in. (Typically at this house there is only one staff person on duty at a time.) So they tell me to go home, "Great I have to call my scheduler first." Long story short, I went home after 45 min, and got paid the entire shift holiday pay. What a nice Christmas present!!
The Bahama countdown begins: 22 days

This is our Cruise ship: The Norwegian Sky